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Dee Y

X-Wing Tester
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  1. No: "If an ability exposes or repairs a ship’s facedown damage card, and the ship has multiple facedown damage cards, the card is chosen randomly from the facedown damage cards the ship has." If necessary, secretly shuffle the candidate damage cards and have the opponent select it randomly.
  2. No. Notorious requires an illicit to actually be equipped. The Razor Crest secret illicit isn't actually equipped until it's revealed.
  3. No. "The defender" refers to the ship you just attacked with the B-Wing. You may not declare any other ship as the defender of Stabilized S-Foil's bonus attack.
  4. No, while the Punishing One (title) checks to see if the target is in the front arc, it is still a turret attack, not a front arc attack. As such, it does not satisfy Migs Mayfield's (gunner) requirement.
  5. • If the overlapped ship was an enemy ship, if it is not stressed, it may immediately perform a focus or calculate action from its action bar, treating the action as red. Then the ship skips its Perform Action step. ◊ The ship cannot perform any additional actions during its activation. The red focus during overlap prevents any further actions during the Decimator's activation. Dauntless occurs after this, and cannot grant an additional action.
  6. Certain Command Upgrades designate ships as wing leaders, and give instructions regarding wing consistency. For example: Veteran Wing Leader designates the equipped ship as a wing leader, and specifies that 2-5 ships of the same ship type constitute the wing. Cross faction squad building is not supported by any official rules.
  7. Yes. Both of these abilities occur during step 2b. Modify Attack dice, and may be resolved in either order. Note that if you resolve Seyn Marana's ability first, all results would be cancelled, leaving nothing for Deadeye Shot to modify.
  8. No, all attacks from Underslung Blaster require a lock. The verbiage "this attack" is, in fact, referring to the next paragraph.
  9. Yes, your supposition is correct. You would check range for Zorii Bliss' (BTA-NR2 Y-Wing) after the ship in question completes its reposition action.
  10. This entry will be added in an upcoming Rules Reference update: Q: When attacking a Reinforced ship with ion weapons (Ion Cannon, Ion Cannon Battery, Ion Cannon Turret, Ion Missiles, Ion Torpedoes), if the attack would hit with more than one hit or critical result remaining, is an evade result added first or is a hit or critical result spent first? A: An evade result is added first. The Reinforce effect occurs during the Neutralize Results step, while the damage and ion tokens from ion weapons are applied during the Deal Damage step.
  11. Rules Reference Update: The following changes will be included in an upcoming update. Q: When attacking with ion weapons (Ion Cannon, Ion Cannon Battery, Ion Cannon Turret, Ion Missiles, Ion Torpedoes), when are damage and ion tokens applied to the defender, if the attack hits? A: These effects are resolved during the Deal Damage step of the attack. Q: When attacking a Reinforced ship with ion weapons (Ion Cannon, Ion Cannon Battery, Ion Cannon Turret, Ion Missiles, Ion Torpedoes), if the attack would hit with more than one hit or critical result remaining, is an evade result added first or is a hit or critical result spent first? A: An evade result is added first. The Reinforce effect occurs during the Neutralize Results step, while the damage and ion tokens from ion weapons are applied during the Deal Damage step.
  12. Yes, Vulture and Hyena Droids with open Struts may barrel roll off of asteroids or debris clouds. The Struts would remain open. However, if they are no longer at range 0 of an asteroid or debris cloud, they would then execute their next maneuver normally. Having done so, the Struts would flip to Closed. "Open: You ignore obstacles at range 0 and while you move through them. After you reveal your dial, if you reveal a maneuver other than a [2 straight] and are at range 0 of an asteroid or debris cloud, skip your Execute Maneuver step and remove 1 stress token; if you revealed a right or left maneuver, rotate your ship 90º in that direction. After you execute a maneuver, flip this card."
  13. Yes. Calibrated Laser Targeting only checks if the target is in the bullseye arc for its effect.
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