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  1. After Airen Cracken shoots can I have Derek Klivian at R1 of Airen take a Red Action Target Lovk and use Derek's ability to remove the red stress token since he is acquiring a Target Lock?
  2. With the larger Z95 models released, can use the smaller models and other faction dials for play in a republic squad?
  3. After an enemy ship executes a maneuver, you may perform this attack against it as a bonus attack. Attack TL: Your dice can be modified only by spending a lock for the default effect. Can I have a focus Xwing perform the bonus attack and then use the focus to modify my dice? Or is everything dependant upon the TL. Ability to shoot and modify.
  4. If my ship has False Transpoder Codes equipped and I target lock a ship with no tokens on it, what happens? Do I just lose a charge on False Transpoder Codes or do I also break my lock?
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