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Everything posted by AvidDabbler

  1. With grappling struts, do you suffer the effects of the asteroid/debris could when you first overlap them (before they activate)?
  2. When you want to deploy a ship (Lets say a z-95 out of a YV-666) when do you plan the dial? Also, in the rules it says they deploy using their initiative, but that would be referring to when multiple ships deploy at one time during the system phase correct? (Not during their normal activation for their initiative)
  3. Can you do a bonus attack with a primary even if you've shot from it earlier? For example, if you had Zam Wesell (crew) would you have to have a cannon or missile or something to do the bonus attack if you’ve already shot from your primary?
  4. Is it that huge ships can do as many bonus attack as they want and ‘normal’ ships can still only do one extra? Or could Maul on the infiltrator with Zam Wesell as a crew do 3 total attacks in one turn?
  5. If a Vulture Droid with independent calculations has a lock on a ship can a Baktoid Prototype still use its pilot ability?
  6. Can Dalan Oberos use his pilot ability while stressed? (Assuming he fully executes a manuver)
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