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  1. Hello, We had a minor disagreement about being dazed during an attack and needed some clarification we were not able to locate it in the rulebook but we didn't have a printed out copy to see clearly. If character A dazes character B during an attack as damage is applied in step 12.... Does character B still get to use any "after this attack is resolved" abilities listed in step 14? One side says yes since step 14 is still technically part of the overall attack and the daze is not in full affect yet, the other side says no because they are dazed immediately (just as if they were the attacker) and can no longer use any abilities. Can you please point us to where it says one way or another in the rulebook? Thank you as always.
  2. Quick question.... If Cap uses body guard, can he use vibranium shield as well? We were debating since he became the target and was not initially "targeted," in the traditional sense, it might not able to be used.
  3. My apologies if this has been covered but can you clear up Beal and Area attacks for our local group. When making either one, do you.... roll attack dice once and use those results against each target or roll a new set of dice against each target?
  4. Nien Nunb reads... "After you gain a stress token..." If I boost using daredevil... do I check to see if I can remove the stress token before or after I attempt the boost?
  5. When you have multiple ships (at the same pilot skill) with Automated Target Priority about to engage, and the first ship destroys the closest valid target (only ship at range 1 for example), can the next ship shoot another target at a further range, or since the destroyed ship has not be removed front the mat yet, it must be chosen as the closest valid target? i.e. Does a destroyed ship count as a “valid” target?
  6. Hello, When multiple devices are dropped by multiple pilots from both players, what is used to determine the order in which the devices are resolved. Does it go by player initiative and all of first player’s get resolved first? Or does it go by pilot skill order and does highest or lowest get resolved first?
  7. If a ship with False Transponder Codes attempts to lock an enemy ship and non are in range, meaning it has to lock an obstacle in range(lets say a debris field), does Codes trigger and you jam said debris field even though it has no affect?
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