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  1. Does the Rapid Fire shot fall outside of step 14 of the attack sequence? Or does it happen in 14a? Some powers specify that some things effect an attack roll and this ability says for the attack. Is the "attack" not the "attack action". I am trying to understand how this works in the timing sequence and when the power drops off during the Appendix A timing sequence.
  2. The 3rd Space Gem sticker reads "Once per round, when an allied character makes an attack, it may increase the [range symbol] of that attack by 1, to a maximum of 5." Lets say I use this with the Punisher's Hip Fire attack. Would this work for both of his Hip Fire shots in that single attack action, or is the second one outside of the attack sequence and on its own? Would both Hip Fire shots be at RNG4 or would it go RNG4 then drop to RNG3? I certain that a second attack action would not benefit at all, just asking for a single Hip Fire attack.
  3. Can team tactics cards be played before you activate a character during your turn such as Avengers Assemble? Most of the Team Tactics cards tell you when they can be played specifically, such as 'when targeted by an attack' or other phrases but Avengers Assemble has no such requirements. My opponent claimed no window exists and that all team tactics cards must be played during and activation. I found this thread which appears to say yes, but I want to be sure that there isn't something I am overlooking.
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