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  1. The real question is timing windows during a player's turn. I know you can start your turn and have a window to play a Tactic Card before you activate someone, but is there also a window to play one after a character's activation is over but before your turn ends. Also, could you play a card in-between actions during an activation. For example: Mystique attacks for first action. I play Juggernaut's throw card. Mystique attacks again for second action.
  2. I trigger Omega Red's Death Factor to do 2 damage to everyone within 2 that has Poison in the order of my choosing. If I daze the first person I choose, would there be a window for Cap Sam to trigger his leadership and move someone out of range before I choose them?
  3. This superpower states he immediately performs a Shake action. Does this count against the normal limit of 2 actions per turn?
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