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  1. Can Maverick use his anti-healing factor corrosive when Ghost-Rider plays Deal with the Devil to prevent Ghost-Rider from removing all his damage?
  2. Just wanted to make sure I read this rule correct: At the moment of targeting an allied character within range 3 another allied character may spend 1 to move to within R1 of the attacked character. The fact that the attacked character would be dazed in the attack is not relevant for this leadership, right? So when the target is dazed, the place would still go through? Only when the target would be KO'ed, the place would not be able to be performed as the character would be removed and the place would be impossible.
  3. The rule reads that Weapon X cannot pick up, hold, contest or interact with Extract objective tokens. Am I right that he can contest or interact with secures?
  4. Can Nightcrawler do a a Puff of Smoke place after every attack of a single beam attack action? For instance, if Nightcrawler targets 3 enemies with the beam. Can he do his puff after the first attack against enemy 1, again after the attack against enemy 2 and then again after the third attack?
  5. The attack on the card specifies that for every power the target loses, an ally may gain a power as well. If I deal 5 damage to the target, the target loses the 5 power he's just gained and can I then pass out power to my allies? Does this mean I can give all power to 1 character or do I have to spread it out with a maximum of 1 power per ally?
  6. The tactic is pretty clear for most leaderships but what happens to leaderships that hand out tokens such as the Star-Lord's Winging it Tokens or Killmonger's Herb tokens? Do they stay on the character and if so, can you still spend them for their effect? Thanks for any clarification!
  7. Hi guys, I’m planning on playing a tournament next week with Winter Guard and while running through my cards I started wondering about The Red Agent spender. On a wild and a hit you do it’s trigger which says: “Clean sweep: After this attack is resolved deal 1 damage to each other enemy character within range 3 of this character.” To be clear, it’s within range of Winter Soldier, Operative performing the attack, right? Not within 3 of it’s target? Secondly and more importantly, “each other enemy character” would imply not the original target of the attack?
  8. Hi guys, I couldn't find an answer to this even though I'm pretty sure I read this somewhere. During a tournament last weekend this came up: I was playing Hellfire with the My Hellfire Club. My character dazes an enemy carrying an extract (Paranoia Pummels Populace) token. The opposing character drops their extract which I then place within R2 of his dazed character and within R1 of my character. As my character was on 1HP I was unwilling to pick it up as the damage from the disturbance token would have dropped my character. If I read the rules correct on p12 of the rulebook: "A character within range 1 of an objective token is contesting that token", my character would count as contesting the extract token as there is no distinction between secures or extract tokens being made. As far as I can tell, you can even secure an extract token. Does this mean my character within R1 of the extract would have been able to heal a damage and gain a power? Thanks for the clarification.
  9. Occupation Force on Hydra Troopers says they cannot pick up, interact with or hold an Extract objective token, but can they secure the Researcher token?
  10. Hi guys, what’s the timing on these? If I’m fielding Logan and he’s not carrying an objective or securing one, can I decide to first deal a damage to him with White Queen’s Pawns and then use his Healing Factor? Thanks for any clarification!
  11. Does Ulik need to be carrying any objectives to benefit from the Rock and Troll card or can he play it without having any objectives just to redeploy?
  12. If my opponent plays Dossier on my Red Skull, Master of Hydra led team does the character I place the Dossier token on get an extra power during the power phase? Likewise, can web warriors carrying the Dossier token reroll and modify their skulls because of this?
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