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  1. Does the First Player choose their battlefield side before or after the terrain is set up? From the sequence in the rulebook, it seems this happens before the terrain setup, which makes the choice pretty much irrelevant.
  2. Can a squad deploy onto different elevations, as long as the horizontal distance is within range 1?
  3. Can vehicles equip Comms Relay? The restriction „Non-emplacement Trooper only“ could mean „trooper only, but not emplacement trooper“, but can also be read as „everyone except emplacement troopers“. Thanks
  4. Can a character contest more than one objective simultaneously, given that it is within range 2 of all of them?
  5. An objective token is elevated range 1.5 from the ground, while a nearby platform is elevated another range 1.5 above it. One character from each player is contesting the objective, one at the ground, one on top of the second platform. Do they both count as being on the same elevation as the objective token, as they are both within range 2 elevation of the token? Even though the two characters are not on the same elevation?
  6. Thanks. The horizontal/vertical measurement is something I understand (playing Legion as my main game), but I struggle with accepting that those two miniatures have LOS to each other. But I‘ll get used to it eventually 🙂
  7. Is it correct that objective tokens stop pushes and pulls, as tokens are objects?
  8. We have a character on top of a tall building and another one at the very bottom. They are at range 5 from each other. Drawing a line from either base to any part of the other character always crosses through the building. However, if I understand the LOS rules correctly, both characters have LOS to each other. Is that correct?
  9. Is it possible for a character to advance across a gap, assuming it finishes the movement on the same height (or lower)? In other words, can characters leap as part of an advance, or do they have to climb in that case?
  10. The 501 Battleforce states for Skirmish Ranks: What is the correct number? 0-2, 1-2, something else? Thanks!
  11. Can the abilities Field Triage (Rebels) and Combined Arms (Empire) be used on the Immobilized Vehicles themselves?
  12. Is the cover of non-droid troopers still increased by one when they have a Suppression token, or is this effect of Suppression also ignored in Special Operations games?
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