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Kris M

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Posts posted by Kris M

  1. The Heavy Laser Cannon upgrade has no list-building restrictions. If the selected Tie Heavy pilot has an available cannon upgrade slot, and enough Loadout points, it may equip the upgrade.

    On a related note, the Tie/rb Heavy's Ship Ability, Rotating Cannons, only affects equipped cannons with the front arc attack restriction. As the Heavy Laser Cannon has the bullseye arc attack restriction, it would not fulfill the requirements of the Ship Ability and would not be treated as a turret arc.

  2. If a ship ends a maneuver overlapping an obstacle, it skips its Perform Action step, however, a ship that is overlapping an obstacle can still perform actions granted from other game effects such as the coordinate action.

    Before a ship moves, if it is overlapping an obstacle, it does not suffer the effects of moving through that obstacle.

    If a ship moves through an obstacle, it suffers the effects of that obstacle: (From the Rules Reference, under "Obstacles")

    • Asteroid: The ship suffers one damage. Roll one attack die. On a hit or critical hit result, the ship suffers an additional damage.
    • Blaze: Roll one attack die. On a hit or critical hit result, the ship suffers one damage; on a focus result, it gains one stress token. Then the ship skips its Perform Action step this round.
    • Debris Cloud: The ship is assigned one stress token. Roll one attack die. On a hit result, the ship suffers one hit damage. On a critical result, the ship suffers one critical damage.
    • Electro-Chaff Cloud: The ship breaks all its locks and all locks on it and then is assigned one jam token. Roll one attack die. On a hit or critical hit
    result, the ship is assigned one stress token.
    • Gas Cloud: The ship breaks all its locks and all locks on it and then is assigned one strain token. Roll one attack die. On a hit result, the ship is assigned one ion token. On a critical hit result, the ship is assigned three ion tokens.
    • Loose Cargo: The ship is assigned one strain token. Roll one attack die. On a hit or critical hit result, the ship is assigned one stress token.
    • Spare Parts: The ship is assigned one strain token. Roll one attack die. On a hit or critical hit result, the ship is assigned one stress token.

    A full breakdown of how obstacles affect ships can be found in the rules reference on Atomic Mass Games' website here


  3. DFS-081's (Separatist, Siege of Coruscant) pilot ability resolves during the Neutralize Results step.

    "While: This term is often used in combination with multi-stepped game effects such as an attack, an action, or a maneuver. Although less specific than the other timings, this term is used to narrow down when the ability is resolved during the round. Additional verbiage is required to identify when exactly the effect is applied.
    For example, in the context of an attack, if the ability rolls additional attack dice, the ability triggers during the Roll Attack Dice step. If the ability modifies defense dice, the ability triggers during the Modify Defense Dice step."

    Cancelling Hit or Critical results typically occurs during the Neutralize Results step, so this is also the proper timing for DFS-081.

  4. No, the attack die gained by attacking at range one is part of determining the number of attack dice to roll in step 2a of an attack and is not a dice modification.

    Dice modifications primarily involve changing or adding a result, I find it useful to remember your ARCS:

    • Add a die result
    • Reroll a die result
    • Change a die result
    • Spend a die result

    You can find more details on dice modifications in the Rules Reference under Dice Modification

  5. No, if an ability’s requirements are not met, it cannot be added to the ability queue.

    For Anakin Skywalker's (Delta 7/7b Aethersprite, BTL-B Y-Wing) pilot ability to enter the ability queue, an enemy ship would need to be in either his front arc at range 0-1 or in his bullseye arc after fully executing a maneuver. You wouldn't be able to use R4-P17 to reposition Anakin into range.

    There is a possibility that, after fully executing a red maneuver, Anakin Skywalker could have an enemy ship in his bullseye at range 3, allowing both R4-P17 and his pilot ability to enter the ability queue. Then, using R4-P17 to boost towards an enemy ship, his pilot ability would reach the front of the ability queue. So long as Anakin finishes the boost with the enemy ship in either his front arc at range 0-1 or in his bullseye arc, it would trigger allowing him to remove the stress and be able to perform an action in the Perform Action step.  

  6. Not all devices that can detonate do so in the same way. Some devices, such as Proximity Mines detonate when overlapped, while other devices, such as Electro-Proton Bombs detonate at the end of the Activation Phase.

    When a device that would detonate when overlapped has a fuse marker assigned to it, the fuse marker is removed instead and the device does not detonate. Ships that detonate at the end of the Activation Phase do not take into consideration any overlapping ships. 

    The complete list of how each device detonates can be found in the Rules Reference in the Appendix section under Bombs and Mines

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