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Posts posted by DSchultz

  1. Hello!

    Please refer to following clarification for this objective found in the Rules Reference Guide in regards to your first question.


    During setup, the station can be placed beyond or overlapping the first player’s deployment zone.

    Yes, the station can be placed within the first players deployment zone.

    No, you cannot place the station outside of the setup area into the play area.

  2. Hello!


    Does a ship forced to change its speed by the Magnite suffer damage from Thruster Fissure effect?

    Yes, as it is that ships owner adjusting their speed dial to match speeds.


    If yes, how much damage if the speed change is by 2 or more. I guess just one cause Thruster Fissure doesn't care about the measure of the speed change but to be sure.

    1 Damage as the card states.

  3. Hello!


    Is the unarmed station only treated as a ship at all times or only when it is being Targeted directly by an attack? Can it also be treated as a ship at all times such when determining effects of indirect attacks/effects?

    Yes, this is already answered here - 



    If the Squadron Mart Mattin is close enough to drop a mine near the station, would the station somehow set off the mine if it is in distance 1? (Even though the station itself does not have movement).

    No. As the station doesn't have a movement step.



    The unarmed station cannot resolve critical effects, but can it be the target of indirect fire from critical effects such as Wide Area Barrage or Orbital Bombarment Cannons where another ship was the target and those effects would treat the unarmed station as the additoonal target from those effects?


  4. Hello!

    This is incorrect, Exogorths are not treated as ships. Please review "Exogoths" in the Rules Reference Guide.
    When an Exogorth conducts an attack against a squadron, they are treated as a ship for the purposes of following the attack sequence with an anti-squadron armament.
    Exogorths cannot target Proximity Mine Tokens.

  5. Quote

    Does Luke's effect ("treat the enemy ship as having no shields") supercede implacable's effect while Luke is attacking Implacable

    No. Review FAQ on Luke Skywalker.


    can the Aclamator still use the effect to use front shields to reduce damage that would otherwise go straight to hull? 


    Luke Skywalker's ability doesn't prevent the use of Implacable ability, as it is spending it's own shields to reduce the damage total before damage is suffered.

  6. Hello!


    May something be "at" two different distances/ranges at the same time? 
    Or it's always considered to be "at" the closer distance/range.?

    Please Review "Range and "Distance" topic in the Rules Reference Guide.


    "• The lines on the ruler that divide two adjacent bands always count as part of the band closest to the bottom of the ruler."

    Please review "MEASURING FIRING ARC AND RANGE" topic in the Rules Reference Guide.


    To measure attack range from a ship, measure from the closest point of the attacking hull zone. To measure attack range to a ship, measure to the closest point of the defending hull zone. To measure attack range to or from a squadron, measure to or from the closest point of the squadron’s base.

    When measuring attack range for a ship, ignore any portion of the defender that is outside the attacking hull zone’s firing arc, even if that portion is at a closer range.

    When measuring attack range for a ship, ignore any portion of the defender that is outside the attacking hull zone’s firing arc, even if that portion is at a closer range.

    • When measuring non-attack range or distance between two components, measure from the closest point of the first component to the closest point of the second component.


    When measuring from one point to another, Something is either in medium range or long range, Distance 1 or Distance 2 at the point it is being measured. It cannot be both at the same time.

    While this is not a rules issue, these questions get asked often enough that I will post this topic to help end any future confusion.

  7. Hello!
    Review "Range and "Distance" topic in the Rules Reference Guide.
    "• The lines on the ruler that divide two adjacent bands always count as part of the band closest to the bottom of the ruler."

    So the squadron is at distance 1 and cannot be sniped. This is not a rules issue but as this gets asked too often I will leave this up to help avoid further confusion on the topic.

  8. Hello!

    You check for control of the Summa-verminoth each time a ship activates.
    A prior players control of the Summa-verminoth doesn't constitute current control when checking for control.
    If nobody gains control, then no one has the control token and it remains neutral. The player that last had it doesn't continue to keep it, because they didn't gain control.

  9. Hello!

    Follow the same rules as a ship maneuver found in the Rules Reference Guide when moving the Summa-verminoth token.
    If the Summa-verminoth overlaps a squadron, it is placed touching the Summa-verminoth token, but not on it, as if it were a ship. The player that did not move the Summa-verminoth token gets to place the squadron.

    As a note, that squadrons can end their movements overlapping the Summa-verminoth if desired.

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