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ArronS's Achievements

  1. Hi there, Couldn't see this question already being asked, the wording on the Attacker Backup! seems to suggest that the total value must match the characters brought into play exactly, does that mean that you cannot bring a 4 cost into play if you hold 2 portals, it would have to either be a 5 cost or a 3 and a 2? Didn't want to house rule it if the exact amount was intentional. Thanks!
  2. I guess the question also applies to their leadership which says they can move a power once during their turn. Can you use it mid-attack to transfer power to shuri, for example, prior to the spending the power on a reroll?
  3. Sorry to hijack this post a bit but I was also curious about a similar question. Inhuman Royal Family is also an active card and I was trying to work out if that can be played as a response to a dice roll, I assume your answer above covers it and its a no. I have been scanning through the rulebook and the FAQ and the only thing I can see is the line "A player may play Active Team Tactic cards at any time during their turn". What am I missing in the rules please?
  4. Hey there, How does Vibranium shielding interact with other damage reduction abilities, I assume if they already have "invulnerability" like Proxima it does nothing, but for someone like Drax does it reduce 2 to a minimum of 1? Also with Thanos do we get to chose the order of reduction, so if he takes 2 damage we can effectively take 0? Thanks!
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