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Darth Vader

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Darth Vader's Achievements

  1. Hello, The Rules Reference tells us this about Chart Officer: If a ship with this card equipped overlaps more than one obstacle, it can ignore the effects of each obstacle. If the ship chooses to ignore the effects of one obstacle that it overlaps, it must ignore the effects of all obstacles it overlaps. Does the same apply to Jaina's Light? If Jaina's Light chooses to ignore the effect of an asteroid it overlaps, must it also ignore the effect of a station (if it overlaps both)?
  2. Hello! I have a question about Infested Fields. At the end of the round, can the second player place both exogorth obstacles touching the same non-exogorth obstacle? For example, 2 exogorths touching 1 debris field?
  3. If a non-unique squadron (for example, a Y-Wing) is activated by Nevoota Bee and is destroyed during its activation (for example, during Counter or a Salvo attack), can it be brought back with Reserve Hangar Deck?
  4. Coolant Discharge: "Only one attack you perform each round can target a ship." 1. If your unactivated ship performs a Salvo attack, then gets Coolant Discharge damage card later in the round, does the damage card prevent the ship from attacking ships during its activation later in the round? In other words, does the damage card "look backward" at the entire round? 2. If your unactivated ship spends a Salvo defense token during an opponent's attack, then receives a Coolant Discharge damage card from the opponent's ship in the same attack, THEN your ship performs its Salvo attack...is your ship prevented from attacking ships during its activation later in the round?
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