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The second part of Angela’s Living Ribbons innate superpower states: “Enemy characters cannot reroll or change attack dice when targeting this character with attacks.”

Other threads on the forum refer to her card preventing modification, “similarly to Malekith” as stated elsewhere, but her card does not say “modify” like all other similar superpowers in the game.  Her card specifically prevents “changing” attack dice.  Are these choices of words meant to be identical, meaning that enemies cannot “modify” attack dice against Angela in any way?  Or is a non-reroll modification of attack dice against Angela allowed unless the modification specifically says “change” an attack dice (to [x result], for example)?


Modifying dice is the overall term that encompasses both rerolling dice and changing dice.

Rules that allow one die result to be treated as another die result do not count as modifying the dice.


The way I understand your response, a change is a type of modification, but because Angela’s card specifically says “change,” it is not preventing all modifications that exist in the game.  Are you able to provide an example of an effect that currently exists in the game that would “change” attacker’s attack dice, that would be subject to being prevented by Angela’s superpower? (Not the reroll portion, which is clear.)

26 minutes ago, LowTierSteve said:

The way I understand your response, a change is a type of modification, but because Angela’s card specifically says “change,” it is not preventing all modifications that exist in the game

The full text of that portion of the rule mentions both reroll and change, which are the two types of dice modification, so it does prevent all types of modification.

27 minutes ago, LowTierSteve said:

Are you able to provide an example of an effect that currently exists in the game that would “change” attacker’s attack dice, that would be subject to being prevented by Angela’s superpower?

Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy on Gamora is an example of this type of effect, it says "When this character makes an attack, it may change 1 die result to a hit for each wild in the attack roll". Any rule that says one result may be changed to another result basically.

A rule that says you treat a result as another result is not considered a change or a modification.

This post goes into a bit more depth in terms of explaining the different types of rules


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