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Hover Air: Blocks LOS, considered Repulsor?

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The CRB entry for Hover Ground/Air has a paragraph that seems to only be applicable for Hover Ground vehicles, as the sentence starts by mentioning Hover Ground and ends stating "For all other game effects, the unit is still treated as a repulsor vehicle."

Missing is whether or not a Hover Air vehicle is a repulsor, and if it blocks LOS or not. Nowhere else in the rulebook is this mentioned.


  1. Are Hover Air vehicles repulsors?
  2. Do Hover Air vehicles block LOS?
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6 hours ago, Thraug said:
  • Are Hover Air vehicles repulsors?

If they have the repulsor vehicle unit type, they are a repulsor vehicle.

6 hours ago, Thraug said:
  1. Do Hover Air vehicles block LOS?

No, because repulsor vehicles do not block LOS and the Hover: Air keyword does not specify otherwise.

Hope this helps,

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