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Emma Frost Shield Mind vs Psychic Immunity

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I have heard some folks try to say that the phrase "Enemy <eye> attacks and superpowers" means that if the superpower doesn't specify it's an <eye> superpower then it would still work against someone with that phrase. 

I'm very glad that in Emma's Shield Mind it has "enemy <eye> attacks and enemy superpowers", which to me is what the intent of the "Enemy <eye> attacks and superpowers" phrase is. 

Is this the correct meaning behind the "Enemy <eye> attacks and superpowers" phrase, or should that be that it's "enemy <eye> attacks" and ANY superpowers that would be against the effect (typically avoiding place/throw/advance effects) whether friendly or enemy, or should it be read as "enemy <eye> attacks and enemy superpowers"?

I know it's a VERY fine, picky point, but it's come up enough in games that now that there's a character that has 2 different wordings of it on their card I'd like to see what the real intent is.



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1 hour ago, TechLee said:

I have heard some folks try to say that the phrase "Enemy <eye> attacks and superpowers" means that if the superpower doesn't specify it's an <eye> superpower then it would still work against someone with that phrase

Superpowers are not defined by those types, the Physical, Energy or Mystic symbols.  There is no such thing as a "mystic superpower"

1 hour ago, TechLee said:

Is this the correct meaning behind the "Enemy <eye> attacks and superpowers" phrase, or should that be that it's "enemy <eye> attacks" and ANY superpowers that would be against the effect (typically avoiding place/throw/advance effects) whether friendly or enemy, or should it be read as "enemy <eye> attacks and enemy superpowers"?

Shield Mind will prevent an Advance, Place or Push from enemy Mystic Attacks and any enemy superpowers

Psychic Immunity will prevent a Push or Advance from enemy Mystic attack and any enemy OR allied superpowers

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