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Hello there! 

I've invented interesting and thematic combination with Cody's Combined Arms and Offensive Push, but I'm think it won't work, so I decide to clarify here. 

In command's card text said "When a friendly vehicle spend observation token during the attack, friendly clone trooper unit at range 1 from this vehicle may perform a speed-1 move". If this clone trooper unit has TACTICAL keyword(Phase 2 CT with Offensive Push or ARC-troopers) and performs speed-1 move by command card effect, will be it gain aim token by performing standard move? Or not because this card effect doesn't treat as free move action? 



1 hour ago, AlexGrace said:

If this clone trooper unit has TACTICAL keyword(Phase 2 CT with Offensive Push or ARC-troopers) and performs speed-1 move by command card effect, will be it gain aim token by performing standard move? Or not because this card effect doesn't treat as free move action? 

A unit with the Tactical X keyword will gain aim tokens after performing a standard move as part of an action or free action. The speed-1 move granted by the Combined Arms command card is not an action, these units will therefore not be able to use their Tactical keyword during this move,

Hope this helps,

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