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Another question, I have once card left in my deck and 1 force remaining. 

My turn starts and the card I draw is shatterpoint. 

Can I spend 1 force for shattershuffle to trigger the second bullet point in the deck refresh rule and restore my force for that upcoming activation? 



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On 6/25/2023 at 12:21 PM, HazMatt said:

Can I spend 1 force for shattershuffle to trigger the second bullet point in the deck refresh rule and restore my force for that upcoming activation? 


You can spend the Force to draw another card and send the Shatterpoint card back to the deck. Since your Order Deck is empty, you will need to Refresh it by shuffling the current discard and Refresh the Force Pool. Next, draw the next Order Card from the Order Deck to activate, and then shuffle the Shatterpoint card back into the Order Deck. 

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