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Push/Pull/Shove through passable terrain

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Can you push models through passable terrain?

For example if I use force push and on enemy model's way there is a couple of boxes, but model's base can be clearly put behind those boxes - do you finish the push after 'hitting' those boxes? Or are you allowed to put the model behind them?

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1 hour ago, Redel said:

Can you push models through passable terrain?


Passable or Impassable is not relevant to whether a piece of terrain will stop a pushed or pulled model.

1 hour ago, Redel said:

For example if I use force push and on enemy model's way there is a couple of boxes, but model's base can be clearly put behind those boxes - do you finish the push after 'hitting' those boxes? Or are you allowed to put the model behind them?

This depends on how the boxes have been defined.

If they are defined as their own terrain feature(s), then the push would stop at them.

If they were defined as a part of a terrain feature, they may or may not stop it depending on relative elevations.

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Thank for answering - for passable terrain i meant all those little boxes etc 

let me show you some pictures

Can I pull Ahsoka? her base fitsimage.thumb.jpeg.7a28523d42f424406ebc4433a5047b08.jpeg


Can I push Ahsoka? again her base fits 


If no to both can i pull her here?



Because if i get this game right I'm able to move through those boxes so can i pull or pull through them?


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All of those examples depend on how you have decided to define the terrain.

There are no default terrain definitions, so you need to decide on the definitions between the players in the game.

A good starting point is whether you want them to stop pushes or not.

You have the boxes and two separate terrain pieces there. You need to decide how many different terrain features there are and how many terrain pieces those features are made of. Then depending on how you have defined the terrain, it will interact differently with the push and pull rules.

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