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The Dark Council and The Accuser Timing

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What is the order of events when I am using The Dark Council leadership and I daze Ronan?

Here is my understanding:

  1. The attack dazes Ronan. (12a)
  2. The Dark Council leadership activates, and the Malekith led team selects the character that will be affected by the leadership. (12a)
  3. Ronan pays for the The Accuser superpower (12a)
  4. The leadership effects of The Dark Council are activated (14a)
  5.  Ronan then uses The Accuser superpower (14b)

Is this timing correct?

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5 hours ago, Schieck said:

Is this timing correct?


The Accuser prevents Ronan the Accuser from being Dazed in step 12. He remains like this until The Accuser finishes resolving in step 14b. That’s when he will be Dazed and when Dark Council will be triggered and resolve. 

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