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Hello, I have a questions about the sequence of actions.

Wookiee troopers unit from Wookiee Defenders battle force makes a move and triggers two standbys from two units. After first standby one wookiee mini is defeated. What comes first, second standby or bf special rule - wookiee trooopers makes speed-1 move (they hide/move info melee and second standby is not triggered/lost)?

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  • Seth changed the title to Multiple standby vs wookiee defenders


The Wookiee Defenders may perform a speed-1 move after the first standby attack is resolved. The second standby token may still be spent in response to the original move (or to the Battle Force special rules move!); if the Wookiees are no longer an eligible target, it may be spent to move or to attack an alternative enemy unit.

Hope this helps,

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