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Mystic Ward removal timings.

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Say the Mystic Ward team tactic card is played in a round 2. When in the round 3 Power Phase is it exactly removed? 

If I have prio as the player who played Mystic Ward and we are playing on a scenario that has a power phase effect such as demons, infinity formula or S.W.O.R.D. base. Can I choose to remove the token after the scenario effect has passed ? 

So bottom line is the Mystic Ward token non player effect and can I remove it in this phase and in any order I want if I have prio. 


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3 hours ago, Matthews1802 said:

Say the Mystic Ward team tactic card is played in a round 2. When in the round 3 Power Phase is it exactly removed? 

If I have prio as the player who played Mystic Ward and we are playing on a scenario that has a power phase effect such as demons, infinity formula or S.W.O.R.D. base. Can I choose to remove the token after the scenario effect has passed ? 

So bottom line is the Mystic Ward token non player effect and can I remove it in this phase and in any order I want if I have prio. 

Mystic Ward is a player effect. It is removed during step 2 of the Power Phase. 

It will be removed before the effects of the Crisis Cards you mentioned. 

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