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Silver Sable's Headshot and damage reduction

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Silver Sable uses Headshot and targets an enemy Juggernaut who is not within range 3 and who does not benefit from Cover. Both the special rule for Headshot and Juggernaut's Nice Punch... superpower appears to apply in the Apply Damage step of the attack. This step does not specify a timing order resolving different effects. However, other steps always specify attacker's effect applying before defender's effects.

Silver Sable rolls her dices and gets one success, while Juggernaut rolls none. Is it correct to assume that since Silver Sable's one success would deal damage, the Headshot special rule would increase the the damage dealt by two, so that Juggernaut would take 3 damages and then he would be able to pay for Nice Punch... to reduce it by one?

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  • 2 months later...

During a Headshot attack against a character like Kingpin what is the timing of Headshots +2 damage vs Intense Physical Conditioning if the dice rolls result in 1 damage?

Dies the opportunity for IPC go first resulting in zero damage?

Or does headshot become 3 damage, then you cam trigger IPC for a net 2 damage?

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On 5/24/2024 at 2:03 AM, Ludo Chose said:

Silver Sable uses Headshot and targets an enemy Juggernaut who is not within range 3 and who does not benefit from Cover. Both the special rule for Headshot and Juggernaut's Nice Punch... superpower appears to apply in the Apply Damage step of the attack. This step does not specify a timing order resolving different effects. However, other steps always specify attacker's effect applying before defender's effects.

This is also a general rule found at the start of Appendix A.

On 5/24/2024 at 2:03 AM, Ludo Chose said:

Silver Sable rolls her dices and gets one success, while Juggernaut rolls none. Is it correct to assume that since Silver Sable's one success would deal damage, the Headshot special rule would increase the the damage dealt by two, so that Juggernaut would take 3 damages and then he would be able to pay for Nice Punch... to reduce it by one?

Yes. "Would deal damage" rules are applied in Step 12, with attackers effects occurring first.

On 8/3/2024 at 5:45 PM, grot190 said:

During a Headshot attack against a character like Kingpin what is the timing of Headshots +2 damage vs Intense Physical Conditioning if the dice rolls result in 1 damage?

Dies the opportunity for IPC go first resulting in zero damage?

Or does headshot become 3 damage, then you cam trigger IPC for a net 2 damage?

Headshot's special rule resolves first due to it being an attacker effect, with intense physical conditioning resolving second. See above for the reasons

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