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The deflect keyword calls out while using Guardian, the surge conversion becomes <surge>:<block>. The next line says during the Convert Defense Dice step, the attacker suffers one wound if there’s at least 1 surge in the roll. 

However, if Obi-Wan is using Guardian, the Guardian roll technically isn’t part of the attack sequence with the “Convert Defense Dice” step.

Which begs the question; Does Obi-Wan deflect a wound while using Guardian? 

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Hi there,

When a unit with the Deflect keyword is using Guardian X, the attacking unit will suffer one wound if there is at least one <Surge> result rolled, after modifications (such as using Soresu Mastery to reroll dice) & before the Guardian unit converts defense surges. This will be made more clear in a future update.



Does Obi-Wan deflect a wound while using Guardian? 

Yes, if he rolled at least one <Surge> result before converting defense surges.

Hope this helps,

Note this ruling has been updated to reflect the intent of the Deflect keyword.

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