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Sinister Traps and Big/Little Sis

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Unless I am mistaken, Sinister Traps is an enemy effect and awards power for doing damage.  Considering this to be correct, assume Honey Badger moves within range 2 to activate an opponent's Sinister Traps, but is also within range 3 of a friendly X-23.  Next assume Honey Badger takes damage from the Sinister Traps.  

Can X-23 use Big Sis to move in this instance?  If so, which direction does she move? 

(We ruled that X-23 could move using Big Sis and X-23 moved towards the model that played Sinister Traps during the first power phase so we could keep the game going, but have no idea if we were correct.)

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On 7/26/2024 at 4:32 PM, sumo55 said:

Can X-23 use Big Sis to move in this instance?  If so, which direction does she move? 

No. While the Sinister Trap is an enemy effect, it does not belong to any particular character so there is no one to move towards. 

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