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I was looking at Cassian's 1-pip, Crack Shot, and considering the new standby rules.

When an enemy unit triggers the standby of a friendly unit with gunslinger - can a second enemy unit be declared as an additional defender, after the unit that triggered the standby is chosen as the defender? Or would the unit with gunslinger be limited to targeting only the enemy unit that triggered the standby attack and gain no benefit from gunslinger in this case?

Thanks in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,

When performing a free attack action by spending a standby token, "...the only unit that can be declared as a defender during a free attack action made in this way is the enemy unit that performed the attack, move, or action that triggered the standby." You may not declare additional defenders, and may therefore not apply the Gunslinger keyword during the Declare Additional Defender step.


On 7/26/2024 at 4:45 PM, Vimes said:

When an enemy unit triggers the standby of a friendly unit with gunslinger - can a second enemy unit be declared as an additional defender, after the unit that triggered the standby is chosen as the defender?

No; you may only attack the unit that trigger the standby.

Hope this helps,

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