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Ayala Secura, Saber Tank, and Air Support

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I would like clarification on the following rules interaction between Ayala, The Saber, and the Air Support Command Card.

Premise: An Ayala Saber Tank should be able to, RAW, Arsenal 2 with the command card air support (Firing the main gun or an attached upgrade weapon profile alongside the air support command card.


Points of interest -

1. Comparison between Air Support and Bobas new 2 pip:

Air Supports text specifies: "It may perform an attack using the following weapon:"

Making His Way in the Galaxy text specifies: "Boba fett may perform attack with ONLY the following weapon.."

Both the Ayala Saber and Boba have Arsenal 2. It seems clear that the text on Bobas card is there specifically to prevent the use of Arsenal with this special attack pool. 

This seems to suggest that they Ayala Saber should be able to use Air Support and add a second weapon profile to the pool. (Nothing I can find in the new CRB seems to prevent this that I can find.) 


2. Assuming that #1 is true. What is the interaction between adding a second beam weapon to the Air Support attack (Ie. The sabers Beam turret). Do you stack the pool and get Beam 4 on the combined pool? Do the pools split, with beam 2 each and you declare them separately? (Ie. you declare 4 additional defenders, if able, during the beam step? One set for each beam two weapon in the pool?)




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On 8/1/2024 at 11:47 AM, MBarry said:

An Ayala Saber Tank should be able to, RAW, Arsenal 2 with the command card air support (Firing the main gun or an attached upgrade weapon profile alongside the air support command card.

The Saber-Class Tank may not add additional weapons to this attack pool using its Arsenal X; the attack granted by the Air Support command card uses the listed weapon and may choose no additional weapons.

On 8/1/2024 at 11:47 AM, MBarry said:

Air Supports text specifies: "It may perform an attack using the following weapon:"

Making His Way in the Galaxy text specifies: "Boba fett may perform attack with ONLY the following weapon.."

There is no difference in the language between these cards from a gameplay standpoint; both attacks are resolved using the weapon given on the Command Card.

Hope this helps,

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