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I am looking for clarification for the interaction between Annihilation Looms, Compel, and Scout if you play AL on turn 1. The main item in question is whether compel triggers still if Krennic has not yet been deployed, since the scout move brings you beyond range 2 of him when you are on the board. 


It seems to me that compel should check before the scout move, but it is a bit of a weird interaction since the consequences of that trigger arent happening until the unit is beyond range 2 of the compel provider. 


If it does not work in the above scenario, would it work with Krennic on the board and at 2 of the resultant scout move?


I would additionally like to ask in regards to transported unit(since as i understand it the unit never is actually "in" the transport now) and units with infiltrate. That has not come up yet but could with the LAAT and ISF.




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  • Seth locked this topic

Hi there,

Scout X and Compel are both resolved at the beginning of a unit's Perform Actions step. As such, their effects may be resolved in either order. Note, however, that a Scout X move may only be used to deploy.


On 8/1/2024 at 11:58 AM, MBarry said:

The main item in question is whether compel triggers still if Krennic has not yet been deployed, since the scout move brings you beyond range 2 of him when you are on the board. 


It seems to me that compel should check before the scout move

Compel is resolved at the start of Perform Actions. As this shares timing with Scout X, they may be resolved by the player in either order.

If a unit is in range 2 of Krennic and suppressed but not panicked at the start of its Perform Actions step, it may perform a free move action using Compel. A unit may indeed make this move if both Director Krennic and the affected unit were both undeployed at this time (start of Perform Actions), even if they choose to perform a Scout X move first to deploy and are subsequently moved beyond range 2 of Director Krennic.

On 8/1/2024 at 11:58 AM, MBarry said:

would it work with Krennic on the board and at 2 of the resultant scout move?

No, the unit was not in range of Director Krennic at the start of its Perform Actions step.


On 8/1/2024 at 11:58 AM, MBarry said:

I would additionally like to ask in regards to transported unit(since as i understand it the unit never is actually "in" the transport now) and units with infiltrate. That has not come up yet but could with the LAAT and ISF.

Yes, a Transport may choose, and therefore issue an order to, a friendly Corps or Special Forces unit, even if that unit ultimately does not deploy using the Transport.

Hope this helps,

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