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The refreshing of the order deck is currently written in a way that only takes into account of this happening once everyone including reserves has activated and entered the discard pile.
However Thrawn sidesteps this with his identity which leaves a few open question:

1. What happens to cards in reserve? Do they stay in reserve as it only says to shuffle your discard pile?

2. What happens to the deck? Currently you are only being told to shuffle the discard pile. Does this mean you only shuffle the discard pile and put the newly shuffled cards on top?


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  • keladryel changed the title to Refresh the Order Deck when it is not empty
15 hours ago, keladryel said:

The refreshing of the order deck is currently written in a way that only takes into account of this happening once everyone including reserves has activated and entered the discard pile.
However Thrawn sidesteps this with his identity which leaves a few open question:

1. What happens to cards in reserve? Do they stay in reserve as it only says to shuffle your discard pile?

2. What happens to the deck? Currently you are only being told to shuffle the discard pile. Does this mean you only shuffle the discard pile and put the newly shuffled cards on top?


When resolving the refresh Order Deck portion of To Defeat An Enemy You Must Know Them all Order cards get shuffled together except for any cards that belong to Defeated Units. This includes cards in the Discard, Deck, and Reserve.

After the new Deck has been created, Force is refreshed.

This will be made clearer in the future.

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