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It sounds like if a unit moves and it is out of cohesion for some reason that a free action can still be triggered such as agile or charge, is this correct?  I believe under the previous rule set that it had been ruled that if a unit ended a move out of cohesion that its next action had to be a move.   It sounds like that if a unit is not in cohesion that its next action is not required to be a move.  Is that all correct?  Thanks 

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Hi there,

On 8/4/2024 at 8:28 PM, Pinto397 said:

It sounds like if a unit moves and it is out of cohesion for some reason that a free action can still be triggered such as agile or charge, is this correct?

Yes, a unit may use either of these keywords even if out of cohesion.

On 8/4/2024 at 8:28 PM, Pinto397 said:

It sounds like that if a unit is not in cohesion that its next action is not required to be a move.

Correct; a unit suffers no particular effects for being out of cohesion.

Hope this helps,

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