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If a vehicle has reached its Resilience threshold under the updated rules, is that roll calculated separately from any ion tokens the vehicle might have? Is it then possible to have a vehicle reduced to 0 actions during its turn as a result of rolling blanks on resilience and then ion rolls?

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Hi there,

A vehicle may perform one fewer action during its activation as explained in the Ion X Weapon Keyword entry if it suffers one or more ion tokens. A vehicle may also perform on fewer action during its activation as explained in the Resiliency entry when it is assigned a vehicle damage token. Neither of these game effects are "to a minimum of one" action. A vehicle can be reduced to zero actions during its activation by both combined.


On 8/5/2024 at 10:48 AM, EdofLegend said:

Is it then possible to have a vehicle reduced to 0 actions during its turn as a result of rolling blanks on resilience and then ion rolls?


Hope this helps,

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