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We had a difference in rule reading with one of my opponents. Need to set it straight:

Vehicle (not a speeder) can perform the following order of actions:
1. Declare move action
2. Turn up to 90 degrees by free rotate in the first step of move action
3. Declare pivot during this move action and turn up to additional 90 degrees, making it 180 degrees turn in total
4. Does not perform any further move that use movement tool as per pivot rule

Can this vehicle use its second action to perform a standard move?
Or does pivot block any further move actions?

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Hi there,

On 8/5/2024 at 3:55 PM, CRZNuts said:

Vehicle (not a speeder) can perform the following order of actions:
1. Declare move action
2. Turn up to 90 degrees by free rotate in the first step of move action
3. Declare pivot during this move action and turn up to additional 90 degrees, making it 180 degrees turn in total
4. Does not perform any further move that use movement tool as per pivot rule

Your process is not quite correct. When a notched base unit performs a standard move, it will perform the sequence given in Notched Base Movement, which allows them a free rotation of up to 90-degrees during the first step, prior to laying out the movement tool. If it opts to perform a pivot move during its move action instead, it will not follow the standard move process; it will perform a pivot as described in Appendix B.

On 8/5/2024 at 3:55 PM, CRZNuts said:

Can this vehicle use its second action to perform a standard move?
Or does pivot block any further move actions?

A unit may perform more than one move action during its activation. If a vehicle chooses to only pivot for its first move action, it may indeed perform a standard move with its second (move) action.

Hope this helps,

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