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If a unit with 1 wound threshold models is attacked, like rebel troopers, only one model is visible to the attacker, and a unit with guardian, like Chewbacca, uses guardian to shift the 3 incoming hits to itself instead of the defender, how many wounds does the guardian unit suffer if they fail all saves? Is it up to the defender's wound threshold, 1 in this case, or the amount of failed saves, 3 in this case?





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Hi there,

"When a unit suffers wounds from a ranged attack, if the attacker has LOS to only some of the miniatures in the defending unit, the defending unit cannot suffer wounds greater than the total wound threshold of miniatures that are in LOS." This quote from the Suffering Wounds and Defeating Miniatures box will not apply to units other than the defending unit, such as those suffering wounds using their Guardian X keyword.


On 8/7/2024 at 1:25 PM, DarthThomas said:

If a unit with 1 wound threshold models is attacked, like rebel troopers, only one model is visible to the attacker, and a unit with guardian, like Chewbacca, uses guardian to shift the 3 incoming hits to itself instead of the defender, how many wounds does the guardian unit suffer if they fail all saves?

Chewbacca may suffer any number of wounds. Only the Rebel Troopers are restricted to suffering one wound in this scenario.

Hope this helps,

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