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If an AT-ST forms multiple attack pools for its different weapons, can it use an aim off of Veers' Exemplar for each attack pool, assuming Veers has 2 or more aim tokens? Or is it limited to one aim for all pools combined as they are all consideredone attack? Would the situation be different if Krennic also had an aim available via Exemplar? 


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Hi there,

On 8/7/2024 at 4:34 PM, Ben Weikel said:

If an AT-ST forms multiple attack pools for its different weapons, can it use an aim off of Veers' Exemplar for each attack pool, assuming Veers has 2 or more aim tokens? Or is it limited to one aim for all pools combined as they are all considered one attack?

You spend one shared token while performing each attack. Each attack pool is resolved as its own attack. The AT-ST may spend one of Veers' aim tokens during each attack.

On 8/7/2024 at 4:34 PM, Ben Weikel said:

Would the situation be different if Krennic also had an aim available via Exemplar? 

It would not: "..if a friendly unit is at <Range 2> of one or more friendly units that have the Exemplar keyword...". Two Exemplar units nearby does not allow the attacking unit to spend two shared green tokens; it would still be a maximum of one shared token per attack.

Hope this helps,

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