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My opponent has a line of 3 units. B1s who are in range 1 of B2s, and the B2s are in range 1 of Geonosians. For this line here, the B1s are outside range 1 of the geonosians.

Can my saber tank shoot the main gun at the B2s in the middle of this line, and split fire the beam turret to hit the geonosians, then using beam 2, hit the B2 droids, and then the B1 droids?

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Hi there,

The Beam X keyword is applied during the Declare Additional Defender step to declare additional attacks and form new attack pools for each. During this step, the attacking player forms new attack pools targeting different defending enemy units. You may not declare an attack against a previously-declared defender who already has an attack pool assigned to them; Beam X is no exception.


On 8/7/2024 at 5:20 PM, Pally said:

Can my saber tank shoot the main gun at the B2s in the middle of this line, and split fire the beam turret to hit the geonosians, then using beam 2, hit the B2 droids, and then the B1 droids?

It may not. It may use the Beam X keyword to form declare additional attacks and form attack pools using only that weapon against eligible defending units. The B2 Super Battle Droids have already been declared as a defender and already have an attack pool formed against them; you cannot declare them as the defender of an additional attack.

Hope this helps,

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