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Loki's I Come Bearing Gifts Leadership Question

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When Loki, Prince of Lies is acting as leader, can an allied character use his leadership to reroll more than one die?  (ie. An allied Thor spends three power to reroll 3 die and Loki gains 3 power.)

The reason I ask is that characters such as Shadowlands Daredevil and Black Panther specifically state that the leadership allows 1 die to be rerolled, while I Come Bearing Gifts seems to have no such restriction.  

Thank you!

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4 hours ago, sumo55 said:

When Loki, Prince of Lies is acting as leader, can an allied character use his leadership to reroll more than one die?  (ie. An allied Thor spends three power to reroll 3 die and Loki gains 3 power.)

No. It can be used once to reroll one die.

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26 minutes ago, sumo55 said:

Thank you.  

As a follow up, can I please ask why?  

The leadership tells you how much Power to spend and what the benefit of that will be. 

There is no ability to spend more than the Power specified for additional benefit. 

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