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It is unclear for me if it's possible to benefit of back up from several untits and thus cumulate the damage reduction ? 

How does it work in the sequence with armor and impact ? and critical ? are the hits transformed in crits first or are they cancelled first?



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Hi there,

8 minutes ago, Groc said:

It is unclear for me if it's possible to benefit of back up from several untits and thus cumulate the damage reduction ? 

This has been answered prior. A unit either benefits from backup or does not; it does not benefit from "more" backup if additional units are granting it backup.

8 minutes ago, Groc said:

How does it work in the sequence with armor and impact ? and critical ? are the hits transformed in crits first or are they cancelled first?

Backup is applied during the Modify Attack Dice step, the same as Critical X and Impact X. In this step, the attacker will modify attack dice first (using Critical and Impact, among other things), before the defender may modify them (using backup or otherwise).

Hope this helps,

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