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Strafing Run - Measuring For Affected Units

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A few questions about the Strafing Run advantage card:

1) When it states “measure from it to any position to range 2” (emphasis added), does this mean its affect is limited to a single range 2 line of our choice or does the use of “any” here mean we can make multiple range 2 measurements around the advantage token when checking for any overlapping miniatures?

2) If the effect is limited to a single range 2 line, where exactly are we measuring from on the advantage token? Do we have to measure with the end of the range tool flush/centered (at least as much as possible) with the outside edge of the advantage token?  Or are we able to use any measurement so long as some part of the end of the range tool (corner or flat part) where the range 2 measurement begins is touching or overlapping some part of the advantage token?

Thanks for your time!

Edited by JhayRhod
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Hi there,

On 8/12/2024 at 3:52 PM, JhayRhod said:

1) When it states “measure from it to any position to range 2” (emphasis added), does this mean its affect is limited to a single range 2 line of our choice or does the use of “any” here mean we can make multiple range 2 measurements around the advantage token when checking for any overlapping miniatures?

You will measure to a point range 2 from the advantage token. The effects of the Strafing Run Advantage Card will only apply to units overlapped by the tool placed in one way; it does not apply to any & all units at range 2 of the advantage token.

On 8/12/2024 at 3:52 PM, JhayRhod said:

2) If the effect is limited to a single range 2 line, where exactly are we measuring from on the advantage token? Do we have to measure with the end of the range tool flush/centered (at least as much as possible) with the outside edge of the advantage token?  Or are we able to use any measurement so long as some part of the end of the range tool (corner or flat part) where the range 2 measurement begins is touching or overlapping some part of the advantage token?

You will measure the advantage token to a position at range 2 of it (i.e. to the other end of the range tool). The range tool need not be flush with the nearest edge of the advantage token or centered against it.

Hope this helps,

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