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In the original post the question was can change/tactical happen off of the reinforcement keyword. The answer provided was "no" but then states that charge does not require a standard move. Am I correct that the reinforcement keyword can be any move to include a climb and will trigger charge/steady/relentless.

Finally, you cannot use this move action to move out of melee unless you have disengage?

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Hi there,

20 minutes ago, fuzzy said:

In the original post the question was can change/tactical happen off of the reinforcement keyword. The answer provided was "no" but then states that charge does not require a standard move.

Charge does not require a standard move. It can, for instance, be performed following a climb. It does require a move action.

20 minutes ago, fuzzy said:

Am I correct that the reinforcement keyword can be any move to include a climb and will trigger charge/steady/relentless.

No, neither of these statements are accurate.

The Reinforcements keyword provides a speed-1 move: this is a standard move and cannot be replaced with a climb move. Please refer to the Abilities that Provide Moves call-out in the Core Rulebook for more detail.

Furthermore, as the Reinforcements keyword does not provide a move action, this move cannot trigger Charge or related keywords.

20 minutes ago, fuzzy said:

Finally, you cannot use this move action to move out of melee unless you have disengage?

A unit may only withdraw during its activation.

Hope this helps,

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