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Is being wounded during step 10a considered "Wounded by an enemy attack" ?

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Kanan Jarrus, Spectre-1’s identity triggers when an allied Rebel Alliance character is wounded by an enemy attack.


If a Stormtrooper attacks an allied unit that is already Pinned, and rolls sufficient expertise to add a duplicate Pinned condition after the Damage Pool has left the target with one health remaining, would the damage taken from the duplicate condition trigger the identity?

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Let's say Player B has Ezra left on 1 HP and is suffering from the pinned condition.

Player A attacked with Stormtroopers but managing to only get a single expertise after results have been determined.
The [pin] from their expertise chart is resolved at Step 10a meaning it is an 'effect that happens after the attack is resolved' but will be converted to 1 damage and wound Ezra.

Does Player B's Kanan trigger "Now I know there's something stronger than fear"? Given that it triggers off 'is Wounded by an enemy attack' and we are already resolving effects that happen after the attack is resolved.

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