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Measuring Vertical Distance on Deployment & The Golden Rule

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Buenos ding-dong-diddly-días, Señor!

In the Deploying Units call out box on page 24 of the CRB it states "measure the start of the move with both prongs of one end of the movement tool touching the portion of the edge of the battlefield within friendly territory.  When a unit deploys, the unit leader measures the vertical distance changed during that move starting from the potion of the edge of the battlefield the movement tool is touching" (emphasis added).  Page 5 of the CRB states the battlefield is the "table or surface being played on." 

A prior clarification states that a unit can make a climb as its move action to deploy onto the battlefield:  

So, I'm seeking some clarification on the following: 

1) As far as the "edge of the battlefield" that both prongs of one end of the movement tool as supposed to be touching, that is referring to the vertical edge (or edge on a 2D plane) of the battlefield, not the literal table or mat being used, correct?  Meaning, a unit can deploy onto the battlefield at any height (with the prongs touching the vertical edge at that height), provided the unit can legally reach that height via some keyword or ability, e.g. Jump X, Climb (for height 1), Hover: Ground/Air X, Scale (for a Climb at height 2), etc.  It would be from that entry point where the unit leader measures the vertical distance changed during that move, correct? 

2) Are units without special keywords like those referenced above ever able to deploy onto terrain at a height greater than their silhouette using a standard move?  For example, there are many tables where terrain is sort of "cut off" at the edge of the battlefield, e.g. bunkers set into a hillside flush with the edge of the battlefield or hills with tops flush to the edge of the battlefield that have paths for units to walk down into the interior of the battlefield.  Not sure if this is something that could be allowed via the Golden Rule of Terrain (pg. 14 of CRB) or not.


Thanks Neighbor!        




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Hi there,

On 8/15/2024 at 12:09 PM, JhayRhod said:

1) As far as the "edge of the battlefield" that both prongs of one end of the movement tool as supposed to be touching, that is referring to the vertical edge (or edge on a 2D plane) of the battlefield, not the literal table or mat being used, correct? 

The tool should be placed flat on the battlefield as described in Movement, if possible; it is permissible to "float" the tool as necessary to move through or over objects such as terrain (assuming, as you specify, the unit may place its movement tool overlapping such terrain, such as by performing a climb or using an appropriate keyword).

On 8/15/2024 at 12:09 PM, JhayRhod said:

2) Are units without special keywords like those referenced above ever able to deploy onto terrain at a height greater than their silhouette using a standard move?  For example, there are many tables where terrain is sort of "cut off" at the edge of the battlefield, e.g. bunkers set into a hillside flush with the edge of the battlefield or hills with tops flush to the edge of the battlefield that have paths for units to walk down into the interior of the battlefield.  Not sure if this is something that could be allowed via the Golden Rule of Terrain (pg. 14 of CRB) or not.

This would be an item for players to discuss during Setup. Note that units move on at the edge of the battlefield, which is distinct from objects such as terrain; however, not all battlefields are perfectly flat!

Hope this helps,

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