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King T'Challa & Strenth of the Ancestors Leadership

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Strength of the Ancestors reads "Once per turn, when an allied character Pushes an enemy character, if that character contacts a terrain feature during the Push, it suffers 1 damage". If a character has multiple ways to push in a single turn, can the player who is using the leadership choose which push to use to deal the damage? Does it have to be the first push or the last push? Please help me with some clarification on this. And forgive me if someone else asked this.

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1 hour ago, ev1000 said:

If a character has multiple ways to push in a single turn, can the player who is using the leadership choose which push to use to deal the damage? Does it have to be the first push or the last push? Please help me with some clarification on this. And forgive me if someone else asked this.

It will be the first Push. The Leadership is not optional.

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