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Hi there, hope you can help me with this.

In the core rulebook it states under attack on page 30.: "A unit may make multiple attacks per a turn but can only perform one attack action per turn, regardless of whether the attack action is a free action."

How does this interact with the following.: 

1. If a unit has a standby token before its activation and it has a chance to make a free attack action with it before its activation, can it perform an another attack action when it activates?

2. If Emperor Palpatine uses "pulling the strings" on a unit before its activation and that unit makes a free attack action can it perform another attack action when it activates? 

3. If Luke Skywalker uses his 1 pip card "You serve your master well" on a friendly unit that has not yet been activated and that unit makes a free attack action, can it perform another attack action when it activates?

4. In general does the rule quoted above (page 30.) mean, that a unit can only make one attack action free attack action per turn, regardless to the fact that it was activated or not?

5. Can any of the above (1.-3.) happen in the case of a unit that has already activated and performed an attack actionor free attack action? For example Palpatine using pulling the strings on a unit to perform an attack action with, that has already been activated and performed an attack action during its activation.

Thank you very much for Your help in clarifying the above questions.

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Hi there,

22 minutes ago, Harlanmage said:

In the core rulebook it states under attack on page 30.: "A unit may make multiple attacks per a turn but can only perform one attack action per turn, regardless of whether the attack action is a free action."

Note that a turn is a player's turn, more or less equivalent to a single unit's activation. A game round is made up of a number of turns. A unit cannot make more than one attack action in a single turn, but circumstances can often arise that it is able to make more attacks over the course of a round, due to a number of game effects such as command cards and unit keywords.


22 minutes ago, Harlanmage said:

1. If a unit has a standby token before its activation and it has a chance to make a free attack action with it before its activation, can it perform an another attack action when it activates?

Yes. The attack made as a result of spending a standby token was made on a different turn than their later activation.

22 minutes ago, Harlanmage said:

2. If Emperor Palpatine uses "pulling the strings" on a unit before its activation and that unit makes a free attack action can it perform another attack action when it activates? 

Yes, as above.

22 minutes ago, Harlanmage said:

3. If Luke Skywalker uses his 1 pip card "You serve your master well" on a friendly unit that has not yet been activated and that unit makes a free attack action, can it perform another attack action when it activates?

Yes, as above.

22 minutes ago, Harlanmage said:

4. In general does the rule quoted above (page 30.) mean, that a unit can only make one attack action free attack action per turn, regardless to the fact that it was activated or not?

A unit may make more than one attack action per round. It may not make more than one attack action per turn. Whether or not a unit has activated is not directly relevant.

22 minutes ago, Harlanmage said:

5. Can any of the above (1.-3.) happen in the case of a unit that has already activated and performed an attack actionor free attack action? For example Palpatine using pulling the strings on a unit to perform an attack action with, that has already been activated and performed an attack action during its activation.

Yes, a unit may attack during their activation and attack again on a later turn if granted a free attack action by such an ability.

Hope this helps,

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