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The Invaders leadership Vs Recalibration Matrix

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The Invaders leadership Team Tactic Card says you 'can' reroll skulls when within 2 of an ally.

If I use Recalibration Matrix while using this leadership, can I decide whether to reroll skulls either in the attack or defense rolls depending on what is most advantageous?

E.g. 1: I am defending we both roll skulls - I decide to reroll my defense skull, but keep the attacker's.

E.g. 2: I am attacking and we both roll skulls - I decide to reroll my attack skulls, but keep the defender's.


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On 8/26/2024 at 9:57 AM, Regnix said:

The Invaders leadership Team Tactic Card says you 'can' reroll skulls when within 2 of an ally.

If I use Recalibration Matrix while using this leadership, can I decide whether to reroll skulls either in the attack or defense rolls depending on what is most advantageous?

The second half of the leadership allows you to bypass the core rule that failures cannot be rerolled, but does not itself provide any ability to reroll dice. Whether or not a die is rerolled will depend on the permissions provided by the rule giving the reroll itself.

Recalibration Matrix forces all dice that can be rerolled to be rerolled, so if you are capable of rerolling failure results, you will be forced to do so by that effect.

On 8/26/2024 at 9:57 AM, Regnix said:

E.g. 1: I am defending we both roll skulls - I decide to reroll my defense skull, but keep the attacker's.

E.g. 2: I am attacking and we both roll skulls - I decide to reroll my attack skulls, but keep the defender's.

Recalibration Matrix forces the characters to reroll their own dice, which means whether or not they can reroll failures depends on the rules affecting them, not the rules affecting your characters.


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