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Battle meditation says issue an order to an order to a unit in the battlefield If Emperor Palpatine has the upgrade, could he issue an order to a unit already on the battlefield, i.e. a unit with prepared position using, if he hasn’t deployed?

If battle meditation allows you to issue order an order to deployed units while undeployed: How does issuing the order work with the command card An Entire Legion? Do you issue the order the unit of the battlefield instead of another eligible unit or does battle meditation make an additional unit eligible?

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Hi there,

2 hours ago, Motion34 said:

If Emperor Palpatine has the upgrade, could he issue an order to a unit already on the battlefield, i.e. a unit with prepared position using, if he hasn’t deployed?

Yes. Note: there is no range restriction associated with issuing orders using a command card. An undeployed Emperor Palpatine may issue orders to deployed units with or without the Battle Meditation upgrade card.

2 hours ago, Motion34 said:

How does issuing the order work with the command card An Entire Legion?

The An Entire Legion command card will issue an order to every eligible unit. This is typically every unit in your army, undeployed or deployed. There are unique circumstances by which a unit would be ineligible to be issued an order: by nature of being a mercenary unit, being under the effects of the Comms Jammer upgrade card, or otherwise. The Battle Meditation upgrade card will not typically circumvent these restrictions.

Hope this helps,

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