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The Card reads 

2 troopers as target and the description says.

When a friendly non-Darth Vader trooper unit with a faceup order token activates, it may suffer 1 wound to perform 1 free action."

Does this mean the only units I can make suffer a wound is the 2 I issued the orders to?

Or can every unit I activate when I pull from the order pool suffer a wound to perform a free action?



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Hi there,

2 hours ago, shawnward said:

Does this mean the only units I can make suffer a wound is the 2 I issued the orders to?

The New Ways to Motivate Them command card affects units with a faceup order token. These are units that were issued an order using the command card, or using many other game effects such as Direct, the HQ Uplink upgrade card, Coordinate, or otherwise!

3 hours ago, shawnward said:

Or can every unit I activate when I pull from the order pool suffer a wound to perform a free action?

A unit activated using an order token drawn from the order pool is not issued an order and is at no point assigned a faceup order token. They do not meet the conditions to use the effects of the New Ways to Motivate Them command card.

Hope this helps,

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