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Multiple opposing standbys and free actions

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If two units in opposing armies trigger standby tokens off of one another. For example blue players clone trooper takes a move action which triggers one of the red player’s BX unit’s standby tokens. The red player chooses to move into the clone trooper unit that triggered the standby and charge which subsequently triggers the blue player’s Arc Trooper standby token and chooses to charge the BX droids. In this situation what is the order of resolution?


Do the BXs get to complete its charge before the arc trooper gets to attack or does the arc trooper get to hit first potentially weakening the BX attack into the clone infantry?

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Hi there,

On 8/28/2024 at 11:10 AM, Veznan said:

Do the BXs get to complete its charge before the arc trooper gets to attack or does the arc trooper get to hit first potentially weakening the BX attack into the clone infantry?

Standby tokens may be spent before free actions such as Charge would be used following a move.

The ARC Troopers may choose to spend their standby (to move and then, presumably, attack using their own Charge) before the BX Commando Droids resolve their Charge.

Hope this helps,

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