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When determining cover is there minimum amount that the model silhouette/template needs to be blocked by terrain to get cover? IE: if 20% of the model is blocked would they get cover?

Is this the same with creature troopers such as dewbacks? I have had some people tell me that they need to be >50% obscured in order to get cover. Not sure if this is confusion with an old vehicle rule, but I can't find that in the current rulebook; perhaps I am missing it.



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Hi there,

21 minutes ago, Sp43 said:

When determining cover is there minimum amount that the model silhouette/template needs to be blocked by terrain to get cover?

No. If LOS to the defending miniature is blocked (by any amount) by terrain and the miniature is at range 1/2 of that terrain, it is obscured and has cover from the terrain (this may be heavy cover, light cover, or no cover - depending what is agreed upon during Setup). There is no minimum percentage a miniature's silhouette must be blocked.

23 minutes ago, Sp43 said:

Is this the same with creature troopers such as dewbacks?

The same applies to notched bases and their larger silhouettes. There is no minimum percentage a miniature's silhouetted must be blocked for it to be considered obscured.

Hope this helps,

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