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I'd like to clarify a couple of interactions between bounty and deflect:

Case 1:

Bossk performs a ranged attack against Anakin Skywalker who has a bounty token. The attack defeats Anakin but deflect triggers and deals a wound to Bossk which is enough to defeat him as well. Questions:

1. Does Bossk's controlling player still gain 1 VP for bounty?

2. Would it make any difference if it was a melee attack and Bossk was defeated by Djem So Mastery instead?

Case 2: Clone Commander Cody has a bounty token and shoots Din Djarin. In response Grogu plays The Hand Thing and gives Din 2 dodge tokens and deflect. This does not save Din and he is defeated anyway but deflect deals a wound to Cody and defeats him as well. Does Din's controlling player get the 1 VP for bounty?

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Hi there,

On 9/3/2024 at 2:39 AM, Firefly said:

1. Does Bossk's controlling player still gain 1 VP for bounty?

They will not score a VP, as Bossk is defeated by Deflect (during the Convert Defense Surges step) prior to resolving the Bounty keyword (after the attack or effect is resolved).

Hope this helps,

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