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Playing Team Tactics cards with no activations

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If I have completed all of my activations but my opponent has more than 1 remaining (e.g. All my 4 characters have activated and my opponent has 6 or more characters and only 4 have activated), am I technically passing to my opponent to complete the round between characters? If so are you able to play Active TTCs during this pass step such as Mystic Ward, Rainbow Bridge, Avengers Assemble etc? 

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23 hours ago, Redmoon45634 said:

If I have completed all of my activations but my opponent has more than 1 remaining (e.g. All my 4 characters have activated and my opponent has 6 or more characters and only 4 have activated), am I technically passing to my opponent to complete the round between characters? If so are you able to play Active TTCs during this pass step such as Mystic Ward, Rainbow Bridge, Avengers Assemble etc? 

Players alternate turns during the Activation Phase. Turns are not skipped when a player cannot activate a character. 

Some Active cards may be playable during a turn where your described scenario occurs.

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