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Are Battle Tactics Order Cards?

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For the purposes of abilities such as Payday, do Battle Tactics cards count as Order Cards?

And if they do, given that you reveal a Battle Tactics card and then reveal the next Order Card after resolving it, does this create two (or more) trigger points at which Payday could be used (albeit that a unit could only actually use Payday once in that turn)?

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2 hours ago, Zafri said:

For the purposes of abilities such as Payday, do Battle Tactics cards count as Order Cards?

Yes. This is defined in Appendix D. 

2 hours ago, Zafri said:

And if they do, given that you reveal a Battle Tactics card and then reveal the next Order Card after resolving it, does this create two (or more) trigger points at which Payday could be used (albeit that a unit could only actually use Payday once in that turn)?

Yes it does. 

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